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To-Do list that makes you wanna DO!

I just came back from a friend's going away and it was SO much fun to see everything. Even though they aren't reading my blog, but thanks guys.

:D I'm super happy! 

Anyway, I really want to do a quick post that I've been wanting to do for few days now.. First of all, last weekend I had a birthday to attend and my favorite Dimsum lunch. Sadly, I ended up cancelling that because mom needed some last minute help which ended up being the whole day.. 

*Arghh talk about pain!!!*

So on Sunday, mom told me to make some pasta for her so she can take it to work next day. 

If you have been reading my blog, you already know pasta is my favorite thing. I experiment with my pasta and try to make it as healthy as possible. I added some peas and carrot and I thought "Wow if this doesn't look good, then I don't what does". Unfortunately, mom comes back, sees the pasta, first thing runs through her mind "what is this? No egg?" -____- 

*Seriously mom? I never cook and when I do you never appreciate and gosh look at the color. I loved it" *

Anyway, I did add a little too much salt but it was edible and did I mention it tasted really good? YUM!!

So anyway, I was overwhelmed with the chores that I needed to do, I lost count. I wanted to write it down on my to do list. Then I thought, since I use my phone so often, it would be so great to have a simple to do list where you don't have to spend too much time and check things off like a paper and pencil. 

Guess what I found one... 

 It's call Do! How awesome is the name?? 

 Ok so I'm showing you some of my to do list. But notice how you can scratch it off once a task's been complete just like paper and pencil. What's great about this is or I LOVE!!!!! is the sound it makes. It actually sounds like you're writing down. Now, I'm kinda old fashioned paper and pencil kind of person. (I think you can tell by me mentioning 'paper and pencil' over and over :p )

So this is the set up menu. As you can see, you can set up the sound, font, and other stuff. I left the "Complete task auto delete" off because I love the sounds it makes when it scratches stuff off and looking at it feels great!!

Oh and don't forget to look at the tag you can play with. With all the colors, it feels like I'm a girl again!!! *WEEEEEEEEE* lol. No, but recently, I think I like being colorful and if you ask me no I didn't use to. I only had 3-4 colors, black, white, blue, and purple. That's it. But this is just awesome. Sometimes I feel like this is a cartoon that you have a choice to play with. Doesn't that make you feel like young again??

Anyway, if you need a simple To - Do list, you can search it on iPhone app and what's great is that IT'S FREE! Yep you heard it right.

Now, get back to work since you got your great looking to-do list that makes you want to get it done and scratch it off. *Wink* 


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