How do you deal with heartache? My previous unfinished tale: "I'm not sure how else to say it. I got heartache. There are just so many things going on in my head. I'm confused about how to process this and what to say or write but I guess I'm going to do that anyway. I met a guy, whose name shall not be mentioned, at a party. I thought he was pretty cool considering he's the type of guy doesn't attract me most of the time. I guess the part of him I liked about him was that he's social and is very open minded about life in general. He made me feel comfortable and........ " Present day: I started writing about my heartache but couldn't finish due to work. So, I decided to write another journal entry. I have said this before in my blog I keep so many journal starting from paper diary to phone to here. I wish I had my diary with me but since it's not, here I am, writing yet another sob story. It began this morning. I didn't want to...
- S e m S e m