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Showing posts from 2013

Apartment Hunting Adventure!

Well I was contemplating between 'cool apps' or 'dating sites' to write about. I'm still not too sure but I think I will give you a little update on what I have been doing with my life. So recently, I have moved to OC because I got a job offer and started working immediately. I'm staying with a relative close to where I work but not quiet. The only problem that is really motivating to look for apartment everyday is that this place has a parking issue. There are no parking what so ever available if you come home after 5pm .. grr. So, how I'm looking for apartment? Well other than Craiglist, I have found some cool apps to help me look for apartment on the go. Apartment Finder: the best app there is. It saved me tons of time and energy. All you have to do is put the filter criteria and you can search. It will show you in two options - maps or list views. In a map you can see the number of how many apartments are vacant.  What I like about thi...

love you like a back ally hooker?

Hehe.. if one of my dates were to send me this, I would laugh out loud and go give him a big kiss...

I'm on a roll..

Ok fine!! I'm bored at work and I'm pinteresting. I came across this picture. Tell me it's not pretty. Whoever the artist is, I want to ask him to draw me. This girl is so pretty and I love the little nose ring she has. Ahh absolutely gorgeous. I wonder how did the artist painted the blush on her cheeks. It looks very real and the artist captured her emotions very clearly. WOW! Love it!! Wish I was that pretty.. -____-

Love Quotes and me

So I have been on Pinterest again! This time I wanted to see some inspiring quotes because I was feeling down or unmotivated. Then I come across few love quotes that I absolutely fell in love with.  I know I'm usually a hopeless romantic person but not that mushy mushy romantic. I'm very picky when it comes to love quotes and things like that. So here are some... Pretty self explanatory. For some people it would be ahh one of those quotes. For me, I love it because it make a comparison with ocean. If anything that I love the most about earth, that would be ocean. It's deep and full of wonders. It's peaceful under the sea. How do I know? Well I have tried snorkeling and I tell you, once you put your head down and your ears are block, it's peaceful and calm.  I'm also single and sometimes I think why am I still single. The reason is I'm picky at a point where I don't find it okay to accept a guy who isn't the guy I'm looking for. When...


Here it is.....

King's Lair

Found this picture on Pinterest. This is Kings of Light Mausoleum in Shiraz, Iran. Only if I can leave  here.. Sigh!! When will I find my prince charming? :(

Few pictures to share

Japanese Sweets! Tell me you don't like his mustache My obsession: Shut the front door!! I love how they are organized *tears* T_T This is absolutely gorgeous painting!! 

Hump Day!

So I was browsing the web for a funny hump day picture and this is what I found.... LOL!!!!! Not sure what to say........

life's like a chu chu train??

So.. it is true. when I decided to name my blog life's like a chu chu train I may not knew what it meant at that time. But now I'm feeling it. Few months ago, I was stressed out because my job was coming to an end due to contract. I was looking for a new job, studying for exams, trying to get motivated, and maintaining a healthy relationship with my friends. For a short time, I completely forgot about my cousin's wedding where I was the Maid Of Honor. This made my cousin sad since she was expecting so much from me. On top, I have no experience so I had no idea what I was supposed to do or ask. We had a short fight and stopped talking. As the wedding day approached, her best friend made sure we were talking again. Her wedding came and it was beautiful. Everyone including the bride looked stunning. Aside from being nervous about the wedding speech and preparation, I stopped thinking about or stressing about jobs and studying. I thought wedding was going to be one day an...

Long distant dream..

It's been too long that I have not posted anything in here. I almost forgot that I have a online blog. Though, I doubt anyone actually read it. Anyway, congratulation to my dear brother who recently got a job. I'm very proud of him and hope that he goes far in life. :D Now on to the next topic, my parents decided to buy a house when my brother gets a job so we can split the expenses. So last Saturday, my mom, newly arrived cousin, and me went to look for two houses. It gave me insight on what to look for in a house. (No this is not the post about what-to-look-for-when-buying-a-house but that do sounds very interesting topic to research on). First house we saw, I hated the neighborhood thinking it was ghetto. Anyway, I was open minded and started looking around. Loved the house and it's backyard but thought it was way too small. I was disappointed because I wanted to get out of Los Angeles and buy a beautiful house that I fall in love with and can afford. Knowing how e...

13 excuse for not being successful!!

If you are wondering why you aren't successful enough while all the other kids are. Well take a look at the image below. I bet half of you are thinking "why am I so..." and Why don't I ...."  13 reasons why you are not that successful

Direction Unknown!

How do you deal with heartache? My previous unfinished tale: "I'm not sure how else to say it. I got heartache. There are just so many things going on in my head. I'm confused about how to process this and what to say or write but I guess I'm going to do that anyway. I met a guy, whose name shall not be mentioned, at a party. I thought he was pretty cool considering he's the type of guy doesn't attract me most of the time. I guess the part of him I liked about him was that he's social and is very open minded about life in general. He made me feel comfortable and........ " Present day: I started writing about my heartache but couldn't finish due to work. So, I decided to write another journal entry. I have said this before in my blog I keep so many journal starting from paper diary to phone to here. I wish I had my diary with me but since it's not, here I am, writing yet another sob story. It began this morning. I didn't want to...

Today's dilema

I was going to nag about the day and how I was feeling sleepy (which I still am) but boy does getting coffee makes me happy!!! YEEEEEPPP!!! I'm that happy now. Just realized that talking to my friends and taking some calls for interviews made me feel lot better. I think I should make some calls after work as well. I have been feeling guilty of not doing anything  by looking at other people's progression in life compare to mine. Funny, today I read a tweet saying  "Female facebook users are more depressed and unhappy with their life than male". Let me tell you that this is so freaking true. I think the reason is that female likes to see what others have and compare with themselves. I call it insecurities. On the other hand, guys well they get insecurities too but the way they deal with it, is so amazing and calm. If a guy see his friend get an xbox, they do plan to get one too but asks lot of questions, (showing how interested they are in the product, indirectly ...

Life suck!!!!

Why am I PMS-ing??? Everything is just so irritating, even the phone calls my dad's getting. Why do people keep calling you when the first time you don't pick up your call? I mean seriously, dude. If I don't pick up your call, it means I'm busy or not near the phone so stop calling literally after you hand up IT IT'S NOT EMERGENCY!!!!  Ugh! People piss me off. I have no idea where this anger and frustration is coming from. I need to talk to someone. I need to have that friend who can guide me and do things with me so I can calm the freak down. It's like Life itself is playing with me.  I'm so mad that every word I type I have to settle because in my mind I'm cursing so bad. This is not the person I am. What's happening? Why does life gets to frustrating? How do people handle that. I'm going crazy thinking about my financial state and my career and then studying and then not being social. It's like all the problem at the same time. But...

My sexual fantasy? Sort of

I'm not sure if I can make it short or not since I love writing on my blog. But today is just one of those days when I'm not doing anything at work and just reading my Wattpad. So suddenly, I started thinking about my romance life and how unlucky I am. Man I'm so tired of this. I know I have commitment issue but I'm not ready to accept it as I'm trying so hard to get into relationship, find a guy who wants the same. Anyway, I think I have said it before but I can't stop and wonder how would it be like to have one night stand withoutttt any attachment or friends with benefits. I realllyyyy wish I didn't have that attachment issue right after Sex. You know right now I'm wishing that maybe I meet a playboy and be frank with him about how maybeeeee maybe he could teach me how to have better sex and give me the pleasure...  I mean playboy are famous for their experience right? What would it like to have sex with them and then NOT have attachment? Ugh! it...

Checking out men at my work

I'm sitting at my desk thinking what to do. It's Friday and my manager is nowhere to be found which I don't mind at all.. It's kind of peaceful. I've been reading my Wattpad but now I have ABSOLUTELY nothing to do. I wasnt to go for a drink tonight but it seems like everyone is busy. Since it's a slow day I thought hey why not have some fun. Gosh hate this since it's been a long time I've been to any party. Ok so I guess my purpose for start writing is NOT because I want to brag about how boring my work is getting and probably my life. But I've been getting boy crazy alot!! Gosh someone just shoot me.!! I work with lots of Investment Counselor, in short we call them IC's. They are kind of the hotshot of the place I work. One of them is very attractive. They are all old and so is he. But this one kind of strikes me as Richard Gere. He has long black and gray hair. He has very genuine face and even his smile is awesome. The feature I like most ...

Me ranting about life

I'm at work as usual. Not working, not that I don't have work.  I opened a twitter account and started tweeting.  I'm obsessed with how many followers I have.  Yet tell myself it doesn't matter, it's your twitter account.  I have no idea what will happen if I have thousands of people following me.  I'm itching to write something on my diary and feel the roughness of the paper through my pen. I miss my ink pen.  My phone's constantly ringing from agency for employment.  I'm ignoring my calls thinking I'm at work.  Yet I feel guilty for not picking up those calls.  Then I feel sad and depressed thinking why don't I have any interviews yet.  Feeling guilty, I think about studying to refresh my memory on the subject. But I don't feel like studying or study in that matter.  Then I feel guilty and nag that I don't have enough time to study.  I feel like slapping myself for nagging and tell myself what an...

Technology anyone?

I know I haven't been posting anything on my blog for a long time. Life is just too busy with other crap that it has to offer me. Sigh! I wish someday I could just have a magical genie power so I can just ' poof ' myself to somewhere.  Then, all of sudden, I just remembered "Hey I have a blog that I can whine about" lol. Well I wanted to share some techie stuff since I have never done this. This just proves what a geek I am.. -___-  I want this peephole. Since I'm only 5 feet 1 inch tall, I can see better with this. Peephole Yep, I think every girl should have this Handy. It is a Spider vacuum. No need to fear! Interested? Spider Vacuum   So as I was Pinteresting (as usual) I came about this picture. If you're wondering what this is, well let me tell you, it's a gel refrigerator. Yep, you heard right. It's called "Bio Robot Gel Refrigerator". It creates a pod when you shove any food item in there and keeps i...

Team Edwar or TEAM EDWARD!!!

HAHA! I was confused when I first saw this on a post but now I get it.. I  Jonnyyyy!!!!

It's raining and I'm loving...

I can't stop listening to this song.. maybe because it's raining outside.. -_-  I hate rainy weather but this song is making my day... Hoping to get some work done!  Mood: Awesome!